What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a depression or dimple seen on the surface of the skin, most commonly on the buttocks or thighs. These depressions are caused by fibrous bands, called septa, that tether the skin to the deeper structures. Some of these septa stiffen or shrink over time and can lead to unwanted dimples seen on the skin. Cellulite is more commonly seen in women and can be distressing.

Cellulite is usually hereditary, which means it tends to run in families as a genetic trait and is not your fault. Persons of any weight and fitness level can have cellulite. Cellulite is not fat, it is not loose skin, and it is not poor skin quality. Topical creams do not permanently improve the appearance of cellulite.

Dr. DiGiorgio offers elimination of cellulite with Aveli™, a cutting-edge, FDA approved procedure to remove the dimples and depressions causing the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. This procedure is targeted subcision of cellulite, addressing cellulite from the inside-out. This minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime is a one-time treatment that results in smoothing of the dimples and depressions causing cellulite. Rarely, touch-ups may be necessary. Aveli does not treat loose skin.

Dr. DiGiorgio is one of 40 doctors in the US chosen to participate in the roll out of this new, effective procedure to improve the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs.

What to expect?

First, Dr. DiGiorgio will meet with you during your initial consultation and determine if you are a candidate for the procedure by reviewing your medications, medical history, and performing a physical exam of your cellulite. Some dimples and depressions are not able to be treated and she will review this with you during the consultation.

Day of Procedure

You will arrive in the office and be placed in a comfortable surgical gown. Dr. DiGiorgio will mark all of the dimples and depressions that will be treated and she will review them with you prior to treatment. Next, an anesthetic solution will be used to make the area numb so the procedure is painless. This part of the procedure involves a few small needles, but is well tolerated by most patients. The treatment begins with the use of a handheld device that smoothly slides beneath the top layers of your skin and allows Dr. DiGiorgio to selectively release the culprit septa through targeted subcision of the selected fibrous bands. Subcision means the bands are gently clipped using a very small blade and it is completely painless. The treatment takes about 1 hour. After the treatment, there is temporary swelling, bruising, and mild tenderness that can last from a few days to a week, but does not restrict you from your normal activities.

Results are seen in 4 weeks and you will have a meaningful, visible reduction in cellulite dimples after a single in office visit.

Dr. DiGiorgio is a board-certified dermatologist and Harvard Fellowship trained in cosmetic dermatology. She has years of experience in performing various body contouring procedures. Cellulite treatments are an elective cosmetic procedure and, therefore, the treatment is not covered by health insurance or FSA.

A consultation with Dr. DiGiorgio is necessary to determine if you are a good candidate for Aveli™. Treatments are always customized to address your needs and meet your personal aesthetic goals.