
To improve the appearance and contour the area under the chin.

Kybella is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is FDA approved for improving the appearance and contouring the area under the chin. Kybella permanently removes unwanted fat under the chin, resulting in a smooth, more contoured jawline without the risks of a surgical procedure. Kybella only treats fat under the skin and does not treat loose skin.

Both men and women of all ages may have the common issue of unwanted fat or submental fullness under the chin, sometimes called a double chin. This area can sometimes be difficult to improve with weight loss and can also be hereditary.

Kybella is a synthetic formulation of deoxycholic acid, which is naturally formed by your body to help breakdown and absorb fat in the gastrointestinal tract. This synthetic formulation is injected into unwanted fat pockets under the chin and permanently eliminates fat, resulting in an improved profile by elimination of the double chin. Kybella specifically only targets fat cells and does not affect other tissues, cells, or skin.

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During your consultation, Dr. DiGiorgio will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Each patient is unique, therefore, a custom treatment plan is developed to achieve your goals. Topical numbing cream may be used to make the procedure more comfortable. A very small needle is used to strategically place the product into areas of unwanted fat under the chin. After injection, there is a sensation of mild burning that lasts a few hours and some swelling and tenderness that can last for several days. Results are visualized in about 2 months, at which point a follow up visit will be scheduled to determine if additional treatments are necessary. On average, patients will require 1-4 treatment sessions, 2 months apart. The procedure is non-invasive and has minimal downtime.

The elimination of fat cells with kybella is long-lasting, unless submental fullness develops again over time.

Dr. DiGiorgio is a board-certified dermatologist and Harvard Fellowship trained in cosmetic dermatology. All Kybella treatments are performed exclusively by Dr. DiGiorgio. She has years of experience and has treated thousands of patients with Kybella. Kybella treatment is an elective cosmetic procedure and, therefore, the treatment is not covered by health insurance or FSA.

A consultation with Dr. DiGiorgio is necessary as treatments are customized and personalized to address your needs and meet your personal aesthetic goals. Kybella treatments can sometimes be performed the same day as your consultation.