Vbeam® Perfecta Pulsed Dye Laser

The Vbeam® Perfecta Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) is the gold standard of care for the treatment of a wide array of unwanted blood vessels and vascular lesions on all areas of the face and body. This innovative technology specifically targets and eliminates unwanted blood vessels without affecting normal skin. The treatment can safely be performed on all skin types. Vbeam® laser treatments improve the appearance of redness, rosacea, broken blood vessels, red scars, and vascular lesions to reveal clearer, more even skin tone.

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  • The Vbeam® Perfecta Laser delivers energy at a wavelength of 595nm, which is selectively absorbed by a microscopic component of blood cells allowing us to specifically target blood vessels and remove imperfections that are visible on the skin surface without harming the surrounding skin.

    • Broken blood vessels

    • Rosacea

    • Red scars (acne scars, surgical scars)

    • Skin redness

    • Cherry angiomas (red moles)

    • Poikiloderma

    • Port wine stain birthmarks

    • Telangiectasia

    • Facial veins

    • Leg veins

    • Red stretch marks

  • The number of treatments required to improve your skin depends on several factors that vary patient to patient, including how severe the redness is and the level of improvement you are seeking. For rosacea or broken blood vessels, most patients require 3-5 treatments performed 4 weeks apart. Cherry angiomas (red moles) are usually eliminated in 1-2 treatments.

  • The cost of the treatment depends upon the type of lesions being treated as well as the size of the area being treated. Cost can only be determined after evaluation in a consultation with Dr. DiGiorgio.

What to expect?

The treatment involves minimal discomfort and is usually well tolerated without numbing cream. The treatment takes about 15 minutes, depending on the size of the area. After the treatment, you will have mild swelling and mild redness in the treated areas for a few days. Expected downtime varies patient to patient and depends on the area treated and the amount of blood vessels that are targeted. Expectations for the amount of downtime will be discussed with you in detail prior to your treatment. After the treatment, you can return to your routine activities and can apply make-up.

You will see results immediately after your procedure however, full results are visualized 1-2 weeks after treatment. The results are usually long-lasting.

Dr. DiGiorgio is a board-certified dermatologist and Harvard Fellowship trained in laser and cosmetic dermatology. She is a well-known laser expert with years of experience and has treated thousands of patients with the Vbeam® Perfecta Laser in the course of her career. She trained at Harvard Medical School and Wellman Center for Photomedicine where the Vbeam® Laser was invented and was taught how to use the laser by Dr. Rox Anderson, the doctor that invented this laser.

All treatments are performed exclusively by Dr. DiGiorgio. You will never be seen or treated by a mid-level provider. Vbeam® Perfecta laser treatment is an elective cosmetic procedure and, therefore, the treatment is not covered by health insurance or FSA.

Schedule Your Consultation

Find out if Vbeam® Laser treatment is the right treatment for you by calling the office at 617-895-6086 and scheduling a consultation. A consultation with Dr. DiGiorgio is necessary as treatments are customized and personalized to address your needs and meet your personal aesthetic goals. Vbeam® Laser treatments can sometimes be performed the same day as your consultation.